Healthcare Provider Search

This search tool was designed to help you locate healthcare service providers in your area. You can search for providers by name, location, specialty or status.

Providers with Contracted status have executed an agreement with PCU. Whenever possible, you should use Contracted providers.

Providers with Historical status have provided services to UAC participants in the past, but have not yet executed a contract with PCU. Be sure to present your Identification card to the provider and ask them to contact PCU for contracting.

If you want to use a healthcare provider who is not listed, just click on the following link, complete the required information, and submit the referral to PCU. We will contact the provider to discuss contracting and notify you of the results.

Refer a Provider

You are welcome to use any healthcare service provider who is willing to work within the program’s guidelines, whether or not they have a contract with PCU. If the provider has questions about the program, please ask them to call PCU at 844-210-2010 or email Here is a guide that will help you in recruiting new providers: How to Recruit New Providers

PCU Healthcare Provider Search

Resource Portal for ORR Care Provider Facilities

Point Comfort Underwriters
306 Prospect Street
Indianapolis, IN 46225

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